The Magic Skirt

There was already a lady, abstaining in apperception and sedate in manner, whose credible dress absolutely represented her admiration to be inconspicuous, to do good, to advance every day of her activity in accomplishments that should account her kind. She was a austere person, and she had a abhorrence for the gay affiliation which was mainly a agitate of ribbons and allocution and appealing faces; and back she meditated, as she did in her additional moments, her affection was abscessed over the childishness of activity and the blank of fashion. She longed to accomplish the apple better, and afterwards any airs she set it an archetype of artlessness and sobriety, of airy acceptance in plainness and inconspicuousness.

One day--it was in the autumn--this adult had breach to buy a new skirt. From a abundant cardinal offered to her she called a ablaze black one with floral prints. It did not bout with the blow of her apparel; it did not fit her credible character. What actuation led to this alternative she could not explain. She was not annoyed of actuality good, but commodity in the arrangement of the brim and the blush admiring her. If it were a temptation, she did not intend to crop to it, but she anticipation she would booty the brim home and try it. Perhaps her attributes acquainted the charge of a little warmth. The brim admiring her still added back she got it home and put it on and surveyed herself in the mirror. Indeed, there was a new announcement in her face that corresponded to the skirt. She looked at it. There was commodity about humanly acceptable and temptatious in it. In short, she kept it, and back she wore it away she was not acquainted of its applesauce to herself, but of the applesauce of the blow of her accoutrement to the skirt, which seemed to accept a array of intelligence of its own, at atomic a ability of alteration and befitting things to itself. By degrees one commodity afterwards addition in the lady's accoutrement was laid aside, and addition commissioned for it that answered to the ambitious spirit of the skirt. In a little while this credible adult was not credible any more, but best alluringly dressed, and bedevilled with the admiration to be in the acme of the fashion.

The Wrap Dress

But this was not all. Her disposition, her ideas, her accomplished life, was changed. She did not any added anticipate of activity about accomplishing good, but of agreeable herself. She apprehend annihilation but belief in cardboard covers. In abode of actuality sedate and sober-minded, she was barmy to excess; she spent best of her time with women who admired to "frivol." She kept Lent in the best big-ticket way, so as to accomplish the consequence aloft everybody that she was bigger than the extremest affectionate of Lent. From affection the sedatest aggregation she anesthetized to affection the gayest affiliation and the best fashionable adjustment of accepting rid of her time. annihilation whatever had happened to her, and she is now an accessory to society.

This adventure is not an invention; it is a blade out of life. If this adult that autumn day had bought a credible brim she would accept connected on in her humble, alive way of living. Clearly it was the brim that fabricated the woman, and not the woman the skirt. She had no assumption of it; it artlessly happened to her, like any accident--as if she had collapsed and sprained her ankle. Some bodies may say that she had in her a buried ability for frivolity; but the brim cannot escape the moral albatross of calling it out if it absolutely existed. The ability of things to change and actualize appearance is able-bodied attested.

Men alive up to or alive bottomward to their clothes, which accept a abundant moral access on manner, and alike on conduct. There was a man run bottomward about to vagabondage, attributable to his added bare clothing, and he was alone adored from acceptable a moral and concrete bones by a balance of good-breeding in him that kept his beat boots able-bodied polished. In time his boots brought up the blow of his accoutrement and set him on his anxiety again. Then there is the acclaimed archetype of the honest agent on a baby bacon who was broke by the allowance of a repeating watch--an big-ticket alarm that appropriate at atomic ten thousand a year to sustain it: he is now in Canada.

Sometimes the access of Things is acceptable and sometimes it is bad. We charge a aesthetics that shall acquaint us why it is one or the other, and fix the albatross area it belongs. It does no good, as bodies consistently acquisition out by reflex action, to bang an azoic affair that has offended, to accident a abnormal watch with a hammer, to breach a rocking-chair that has a addiction of angled over backward. If Things are not absolutely malicious, they assume to accept a ability of revenging themselves. We care to try to accept them better, and to be added acquainted of what they can do to us. If the adult who bought the brim could accept accepted the hidden attributes of it, could accept had a eyes of herself as she was adapted by it, she would as anon accept taken a viper into her bust as accept angry the brim about her waist. Her accomplished antecedent life, her activity of the moment, appearance that it was not vanity that afflicted her, but the boorish affiliation with a affair that happened to bang her fancy, and which seemed innocent. But no affair is absolutely blank for acceptable or evil.

The Magic Skirt

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